Our Evangelistic Projects

  • Our Men's Breakfast

    We gather at The Home Place restaurant located at 1080 N First St, Silverton, OR 97381 every Thursday morning from 7 am to 8:30 am.

    We gather to do the following:

    * Have a brief Bible Study led by our host and Director, Gregg Harris. Gregg is a Teaching Elder at Gracious Cross Reformed Church in Salem, Oregon.

    * Enjoy a great breakfast together.
    * Encourage one another to live for Jesus and share the gospel in every relationship of life.
    * Accept a challenge to take action in some area of life that we have been neglecting.
    * Encourage everyone to invite other men, whether saved or unsaved, to join us for breakfast.
    * Pray fervently for the Silverton & Salem areas.

    Out of this weekly Men’s Prayer Breakfast, we make “noble plans” to accomplish “noble deeds” that allow us to stand boldly for the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our community.

    In every event we offer the gospel is presented so clearly and thoroughly that everyone, of all ages, will have the opportunity to believe, repent, and trust in Jesus Christ as their own Savior and Lord.

  • Our Articles

    One of the “noble deeds” our brotherhood undertakes is to write, sponsor, and publish a full-page evangelistic article in the Our Town newspaper in the first edition of each month. This purchase of the advertising space (at a rate of $1830 per article) is covered by the generosity of the Noble Men. (An example of our work is provided HERE). If you would like to assist us in this evangelistic project, please donate/invest through the link below.

  • Our Free Movies

    On the second Tuesday of each month, the Silverton Chapter of The Noble Men of Oregon hosts a free, family-friendly film at The Palace Theater in downtown Silverton.
    Attached is our poster for your use in sharing this evangelistic event with your friends, family, and congregation. Unofficially, the real “ticket” for Christians to attend is to bring a nonChristian with them to each showing.

Invest Wisely

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.”— Matthew 6:19

Our only purpose in all of this is to see souls saved and members added to all the local churches in our area that faithfully preach the gospel and teach the Bible as the inerrant, infallible Word of God.

We seek God in prayer for a true spiritual revival and biblical reformation of all our churches by and through their dedicated pastors. We hope you will join us in prayer, participation, and support of this project as we "seek to impact our community for Christ."

If you would like to assist us in this evangelistic project, please donate/invest through the link below. Please understand that your donation is an investment, laying up for yourself an eternal treasure in heaven. By doing so you become co-laborers with us in the harvest-field of souls.